기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록

문헌 발행기간: 2021년 4월 6일 ~ 5월 3일

검색 및 정리: 이건민 이사

참고 1. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.

참고 2. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.

1. 국내문헌

* 가나다순 (www.kci.go.kr 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

김민수(2021). “4차 산업혁명의 담론과 인공지능 기술에 대한 철학적 분석과 비판”. 『인공지능인문학연구』 7. pp.225~258. [자세히 보기]

문성훈(2021). “포스트 코로나 시대 기본소득을 위한 인정 투쟁”. 『사회와 철학』 41. pp.1~28. [자세히 보기]

송지연(2021). “코로나19 팬데믹 시대 한국 노동시장과 사회복지제도에 대한 대안으로 기본소득 검토”. 『평화연구』 29(1). pp.107~140. [자세히 보기]

조문영, 조민서, 김지현(2021). “안전의 열망과 기여의 의지: 경기도 청년기본소득 수령자들의 서사”. 『한국문화인류학』 54(1). pp.307~358. [자세히 보기]

최광은(2021). “정치적 불평등 완화를 위한 기획, 민주주의 배당”. 『평화연구』 29(1). pp.141~178. [자세히 보기]

최병호, 박인화(2021). “기본소득제도의 도입방안과 사회보장제도의 재편”. 『재정정책논집』 23(1). pp.51~93. [자세히 보기]

한종석, 김선빈, 장용성(2021). “기본소득 도입의 경제적 효과 분석”. 『한국경제의 분석』 27(1). pp.163~217. [자세히 보기]

홍석한(2021). “사회통합의 관점에서 본 기본소득의 가능성과 한계”. 『헌법학연구』 27(1). pp.425~458. [자세히 보기]

황준성(2021). “4차 산업혁명에 따른 생산구조의 변화와 조세정책: 로봇세의 도입”. 『세무회계연구』 67. pp.153~173. [자세히 보기]

* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)

성덕량(2021). 『최저임금 말고 기본소득』. 한국학술정보. [출시일: 4월 29일]

신민주(2021). 『집이 아니라 방에 삽니다: 애매하게 가난한 밀레니얼 세대의 ‘돈’립생활 이야기』. 디귿. [출시일: 4월 16일]

최경준(2021). 『[eBook] 이재명과 기본소득: 피할 수 없는 미래, 당신의 삶을 상상하라』. 오마이북. [출시일: 4월 28일] (종이책 2021년 2월 3일 출간)

크로커, 제프(2021). 『기본소득과 주권화폐: 경제 위기와 긴축 정책의 대안』. 유승경 역. 미래를소유한사람들(MSD미디어). [출시일: 4월 26일]

* 가나다순

유찬희(2021). “농민수당·농민기본소득·공익직불제, 어떻게 바라볼 것인가?”. 『시선집중 GSnJ』 287. pp.1~23. [발행월: 3월] [자세히 보기]

* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

강환욱(2021). “전교생 40명 시골 학교의 실험…매주 2천원씩 매점 화폐 지급”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

기본소득한국네트워크(2021). “[논평] 2021년 메이데이 논평 “모두를 위한 정의를 실현하기 위하여””. 기본소득한국네트워크 웹사이트. [발행일: 5월 1일] [바로 보기]

윤형중(2021a). “경기도 하반기 농촌기본소득 실험”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

윤형중(2021b). “기본소득 vs 기본자산, 무엇이 불평등의 대안인가”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

윤형중(2021c). “농촌기본소득이 자립과 공생의 ‘지역순환경제’ 거름 될까?”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 4월 26일] [바로 보기]

이건민(2021). “건강·삶의 만족도는 향상됐지만, 기대했던 고용효과 제한”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

이종규(2021). “[강남훈 기본소득한국네트워크 이사장 인터뷰] “토지·공기처럼 ‘모두의 몫’ 나누자는 게 기본소득 정신””. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

이항우(2021). “[기고] 기본소득은 ‘공돈’이 아니다”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 4월 5일] [바로 보기]

조민서(2021). “청년수당이 시혜? 국가·공공·사회 느끼게 한 긍정적 경험”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

최영준(2021). “실험대상-비교대상 최대한 유사해야 결과 신뢰줄 수 있어”. 《한겨레》. [발행일: 3월 10일] [바로 보기]

LAB2050(2021). “[특별인터뷰] 정건화(LAB2050 이사장・한신대학교 경제학과 교수) “기본소득 다음은 경제의 전환””. LAB2050. [발행일: 4월 26일] [바로 보기]

2. 해외문헌

* ABC순

Burawoy, Michael (2021). “Decolonizing Sociology: The Significance of W.E.B Du Bois”. Critical Sociology, 08969205211005180. [First Published: 7 April 2021] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/08969205211005180

Kahn, Matthew (2021). “Protecting the Poor”. In: Adapting to Climate Change, Yale University Press, pp.60~76. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.12987/9780300258578-004/html

Maletić, Ivana and Tea Japunčić (2021). “Recovery in EU after COVID-19 Crisis – Time for New Policy Measures”. In: Contemporary Economic and Business Issues, Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Rijeka, pp.155~176. https://www.efri.uniri.hr/upload/CEBI.pdf#page=170

McDowell, Tom and Mohammad Ferdosi (2021). “The Impacts of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot: A Comparative Analysis of the Findings from the Hamilton Region”. Basic Income Studies. [Published Online: 25 February 2021] https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/bis-2020-0034/html

Opačić, Ana (2021). “Understanding Deprived Communities at the Global Level: Semantic, Operative and Theoretical Dimensions of the Phenomenon”. In: Practicing Social Work in Deprived Communities: Competencies, Methods, and Techniques, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp.3~35. [바로 보기]

Park, June (2021). “Institutions Matter in Fighting COVID-19: Public Health, Social Policies, and the Control Tower in South Korea”. In: Coronavirus Politics: The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. [바로 보기]

Power, Elaine, Julie Dietrich, Zoe Walter and Susan Belyea (2021). “‘I Don’t Want to Say I’m Broke’: Student Experiences of Food Insecurity at Queen’s University”. Canadian Food Studies/La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation 8(1). pp.49~69. https://canadianfoodstudies.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cfs/article/view/423

Tang, Bo, Zhi Li, Yu Zhang and Ni Chen (2021). “Displacement Risk: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Occupational Earnings”. Design Engineering 2021(2). pp.716~728. http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE/article/view/1242

Xu, Yan and Dun Liu (2021). “Decent Work for the Digital Platform Workers. A Preliminary Survey in Beijing”. Digital Law Journal 2(1). pp.48~63. https://www.digitallawjournal.org/jour/article/view/41

* ABC순 (아마존 등, 검색어: “basic income”)

Iwasaki, Yasuaki (2021). Now Is the Time to Break Off with the Economy (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 13 April 2021]

Patrick, Allen, Konzelmann J. Suzanne and Toporowski Jan (Eds.) (2021). The Return of the State: Restructuring Britain for the Common Good (Kindle Edition). Agenda Publishing. [Publication Date: 29 April 2021]

Patrick, Allen, Konzelmann J. Suzanne and Toporowski Jan (Eds.) (2021). The Return of the State: Restructuring Britain for the Common Good (Paperback). Agenda Publishing. [Publication Date: 22 April 2021]

Pearl, Morris, Erica Payne and The Patriotic Millionaires (2021). Tax the Rich!: How Lies, Loopholes, and Lobbyists Make the Rich Even Richer (Kindle Edition). The New Press. [Publication Date: 13 April 2021]

Pearl, Morris, Erica Payne and The Patriotic Millionaires (2021). Tax the Rich!: How Lies, Loopholes, and Lobbyists Make the Rich Even Richer (Paperback). The New Press. [Publication Date: 13 April 2021]

Ranalli, Brent (2021). Common Wealth Dividends: History and Theory (Hardcover). Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee. Palgrave Macmillan. [Publication Date: 23 April 2021]

Ranalli, Brent (2021). Common Wealth Dividends: History and Theory (Kindle Edition). Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee. Palgrave Macmillan. [Publication Date: 22 April 2021]

Van Herpen, Marcel H. (2021). The End of Populism: Twenty Proposals to Defend Liberal Democracy (Hardcover). Manchester University Press. [Publication Date: 1 March 2021]

Van Herpen, Marcel H. (2021). The End of Populism: Twenty Proposals to Defend Liberal Democracy (Kindle Edition). Manchester University Press. [Publication Date: 9 March 2021]

Van Herpen, Marcel H. (2021). The End of Populism: Twenty Proposals to Defend Liberal Democracy (Paperback). Manchester University Press. [Publication Date: 27 April 2021]

Veneris, Alekos (2021). The Age of Free Money (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 7 April 2021]

Veneris, Alekos (2021). The Age of Free Money (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 8 April 2021]

Vovchenko, Iurii (2021). World War 3 and 1/3rd (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 10 April 2021]

Vovchenko, Iurii (2021). World War 3 and 1/3rd (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 11 April 2021]

Walker, Hixroy Anthony (2021). Universal Basic Income Path to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 14 April 2021]

Walker, Hixroy Anthony (2021). Universal Basic Income Path to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 14 April 2021]

* ABC순

Asri, Maria Viola (2021). Social Pensions for Greying India Empirical Analyses of Potential Effectiveness Constraints. Doctoral Dissertation. Faculty of Arts, University of Zurich. [Thesis presented to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of the University of Zurich for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy] https://www.zora.uzh.ch/id/eprint/202724/1/Asri_Maria-Viola_Dissertation.pdf

Perkiö, Johanna (2021). Framing Basic Income in Finnish Politics. Doctoral Dissertation. Tampere University Dissertations 402. Tampere University. [April 2021] https://trepo.tuni.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/130360/978-952-03-1922-9.pdf?sequence=2

Pulkka, Ville-Veikko (2021). Social Policy 4.0?: Empirical Insights into the Future of Work and Social Policy in the Digital Economy. Doctoral Dissertation. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences 185. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki. [May 2021] https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/328690

* ABC순

Anand, Pramod Kumar and Krishna Kumar (2021). “Post-Pandemic Social Security Agenda: Universalising Developmental Interventions Over Universal Basic Income”. Discussion Paper No. 263. RIS Discussion Paper Series. Research and Information System for Developing Countries. [March 2021] http://ris.org.in/sites/default/files/Publication%20File/DP%20263%20P%20K%20Anand%20and%20Krishna%20Kumar.pdf

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Hamilton, Leah, Mathieu Despard, Stephen Roll, Dylan Bellilsle, Christian A. Hall and Allison Wright (2021). “Does Frequency or Amount Matter? Testing the Perceptions of Four Universal Basic Income Proposals”. Social Policy Institute Research 45. https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/spi_research/45

Kozlowski, Carver (2021). “283— Universal Basic Income: The Answer to Poverty?”. GREAT Day 60. [April 2021] https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/great-day-symposium/great-day-2021/posters-2021/60

Kurita, Kenichi (2021). “Comparative Institutional Analysis of Poverty-Alleviation Systems: Does Basic Income Improve Social Welfare?”. MPRA Paper No. 107287. Munich Personal RePEc Archive. [15 April 2021] [Posted: 24 April 2021] https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/107287/1/MPRA_paper_107287.pdf

* ABC순

Jeffers, Matthew T. (2021). “[Book Review] Debating Equal Pay for All”. Compensation & Benefits Review, 08863687211008151. [First Published: 8 April 2021] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/08863687211008151?journalCode=cbrb

Pillai, Arya (2021). “[Book Review] Malcolm Torry, A Modern Guide to Citizen’s Basic Income: A Multidisciplinary Approach”. International Review of Public Policy 3(1). [Published Online: 15 March 2021] [Connection On: 23 April 2021] https://journals.openedition.org/irpp/1763

* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)

Blake, Sarah (2021). “Universal Basic Income: A Missing Link in Health and Social Care?”. BJGP Life. [Publication Date: 30 March 2021] https://bjgplife.com/2021/03/30/universal-basic-income-a-missing-link-in-health-and-social-care

Clark, Rebecca L. (2021). “Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics: Should Feminists Endorse a Universal Basic Income?”. LaptrinhX. [Publication Date: 18 March 2021] https://laptrinhx.com/oxford-uehiro-prize-in-practical-ethics-should-feminists-endorse-a-universal-basic-income-1481751445

Delahaye, Sarah (2021). “‘Expedition Basic Income’ Launches Grassroots Campaign for Large UBI Experiment in Germany”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 6 April 2021] [바로 보기]

Piquemal, Pierre (2021). “Key Findings from the First Year of the Stockton Study Released”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 20 April 2021] https://basicincome.org/news/2021/04/key-findings-from-the-first-year-of-the-stockton-study-released

Sala, Pau Bofill (2021). “A Basic Income Trial Could Be Coming Soon to Wales”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 21 April 2021] https://basicincome.org/news/2021/04/a-basic-income-trial-could-be-coming-soon-to-wales

Scheepsma, Brigitta (2021). “Think the Impossible: Pieter Kooistra Documentary”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 28 April 2021] https://basicincome.org/news/2021/04/think-the-impossible-peiter-kooistra-documentary

Sefalafala, Thabang Masilo (2021). “Incorporating Bomahlalela; Reconceptualising Unemployment and Labour in the Age of Uncertainty and Fear”. South African Labour Bulletin. [Publication Date: 7 April 2021] [바로 보기]

Simsir, Serkan (2021). “‘Could a Basic Income Support a Circular Economy?’ Summary of the Discussion on Basic Income Network Scotland”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 27 April 2021] [바로 보기]

Torry, Malcolm (2021). “Research Associate Sought for a Microsimulation Project on Basic Income Based at the University of Bath, UK”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 8 March 2021] [바로 보기]

Yoon, Hyeong-joong (2021). “Korea: Sea Cucumber Fisheries as Shared Property of Islanders – “Rediscovering Rural Basic Income Experiments””. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 11 April 2021] [바로 보기]

Yun, Hyeong-jung (2021). “South Korea’s Rural Basic Income Experiment Scheduled for Second Half of 2021”. CounterPunch. [Publication Date: 12 April 2021] [바로 보기]