[발표문] Did Jaemyung Lee’s Land Dividend Election Campaign Fail?

글쓴이: 강남훈


BIEN Congress 2022, Day Two – Tuesday 27 September

Session: Korean experiences of UBI

‘Universal Basic Income vs. Negative Income Tax for Korea’ by Jong-Sung You (Gachon University)
‘Did Jae-myung Lee’s land dividend election campaign fail?’ by Nam Hoon Kang (Hanshin University)
‘Analysis of the Policy Effects of Youth Basic Income in Gyeonggi Province: Comparison of the Ex-ante and Ex-post Surveys’ by Young Seong Yoo and Gi Hoon Choi (Gyeonggi Research Institute)
‘Analysis of Housing Stabilization Effect of Basic Income-type Land Holding Tax’ by Gi Hoon Choi and Young Seong Yoo (Gyeonggi Research Institute)


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