기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록

문헌 발행기간: 2020년 12월 7일 ~ 2021년 1월 5일

검색 및 정리: 이건민 이사

참고 1. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.

참고 2. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.

1. 국내문헌

* 가나다순 (www.kci.go.kr 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

김신언(2020). “(긴급)재난지원금과 기본소득은 과세될 수 있는가?”. 『조세와 법』 13(2). pp.99~129. [바로 보기]

노기우, 하상응(2020). “기본소득 담론의 이념적 지형: 이슈 소유권의 변화 가능성을 중심으로”. 『미래정치연구』 10(2). pp.33~58. [바로 보기]

백승호(2020). “더 나은 기본소득 논쟁을 할 권리: 사회정책 분야의 논쟁 분석”. 『경제와 사회』 128. pp.12~57. [바로 보기]

서정희, 노호창(2020). “기본소득법률안에 대한 비판적 고찰”. 『사회보장법학』 9(2). pp.31~86. [바로 보기]

서형준(2020). “행동경제학적 관점에서 보는 지능정보기술 도입시의 쟁점에 대한 탐색적 논의”. 『한국지역정보화학회지』 23(4). pp.49~88. [바로 보기]

양재진(2020). “기본소득이 복지국가의 발전 요인으로 되기 어려운 이유”. 『경제와 사회』 128. pp.58~77. [바로 보기]

임운택(2020). “기본소득은 진정 노동의 해방구인가?”. 『경제와 사회』 128. pp.78~104. [바로 보기]

전강수(2020). “시장친화적 토지공개념 구현을 위한 정책 전략”. 『시민과 세계』 37. pp.117~163. [바로 보기]

정회윤, 문상호(2020). “기본소득 정책 도입을 위한 실현가능성 우선순위 설정 및 분석: Text-Mining과 AHP 방법론을 적용하여”. 『융복합지식학회논문지』 8(4). pp.99~111. [바로 보기]

조대형, 김정주(2020). “코로나-19 사태가 국내경제에 미치는 영향과 향후 과제”. 『인문사회 21』 11(6). pp.2597~2612. [바로 보기]

조은석(2020). “포스트 코로나 시대 기본소득에 관한 헌법적 연구”. 『법제』 691. pp.271~306. [바로 보기]

한권탁(2020). “참여소득을 통한 노동의 범위 확장”. 『동아법학』 89. pp.287~316. [바로 보기]

* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)

김해창(2021). 『재난의 정치경제학: 코로나시대 대안 찾기』. 미세움. [1월 15일 출간 예정]

정상훈(2020). 『[eBook] 동네 의사와 기본소득』. 루아크. [출시일: 11월 30일]

판 파레이스, 필리프, 가이 스탠딩, 프랑신 메스트룸, 빈센테 나바로, 로빈 윌슨, 안케 하셀, 울리히 샤흐트슈나이더, 루이즈 하그, 헤닝 마이어, 말콤 토리, 보 로트슈타인(2020). 『기본소득과 좌파: 유럽에서 벌어진 논쟁』. 기본소득 총서 5. 안효상 역. 박종철출판사. [출시일: 12월 10일]

* 최신순

김원표(2020). “코로나19 경기 재난기본소득 소비데이터 분석결과”. 『한국IT서비스학회 2020년 추계학술대회 발표집』. pp.8~28. [발행일: 10월 30일]

* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

기본소득한국네트워크(2020). “[논평] “기본소득 공론화법” 발의를 기대하며”. 기본소득한국네트워크 웹사이트. [발행일: 12월 14일] [바로 보기]

2. 해외문헌

* ABC순

Chrisp, Joe, Ville-Veikko Pulkka and Leire Rincón García (2020). “Snowballing or Wilting? What Affects Public Support for Varying Models of Basic Income?”. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 36(3). pp.223~236. [Published Online by Cambridge University Press: 3 December 2020] [바로 보기]

Chung, Seongwon (2020). “The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Universal Basic Income Debate”. Technium Social Sciences Journal 14(1). pp.593~600. https://techniumscience.com/index.php/socialsciences/article/view/1910

Cooke, Jamie (2021). “Limiting Insecurity, Not Opportunity”. In: Debating Equal Pay for All, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp.99~114. [First Online: 10 December 2020] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-53575-9_7

Coote, Anna (2021). “Universal Basic Services and Sustainable Consumption”. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 17(1). pp.32~46. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15487733.2020.1843854

De Wispelaere, Jurgen and Leticia Morales (2020). “Emergency Basic Income during the Pandemic”. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. [First View] [Published Online by Cambridge University Press: 23 December 2020] [바로 보기]

Décobert, Anne (2020). “From Toilet Paper Wars to# ViralKindness?: COVID-19, Solidarity and the Basic Income Debate in Australia”. Anthropology in Action 27(3). pp.51~55. https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/aia/27/3/aia270311.xml

Dubbeld, Bernard and Fernanda Pinto de Almeida (2020). “Government by Grants: The Post-Pandemic Politics of Welfare”. Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa 104(1). pp.55~66. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/777046

Ferdosi, Mohammad and Tom McDowell (2020). “More than Welfare: The Experiences of Employed and Unemployed Ontario Basic Income Recipients”. Basic Income Studies 15(2). [Published Online: 10 December 2020] https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/bis/15/2/article-20200005.xml

Grimalda, Gianluca, Fernando Filgueira, Marc Fleurbaey and Rubén Lo Vuolo (2020). “Building Global Citizenship through Global Basic Income and Progressive Global Taxation”. G20 Insights. [Last Updated: 24 November 2020] [바로 보기]

Hassel, Anke (2020). “The Danger of Good Intentions”. Contribution to GTI Forum “Universal Basic Income: Has the Time Come?”. Great Transition Initiative. [November 2020] https://greattransition.org/images/Basic-Income-Hassel.pdf

Hevlych, Larysa, Ivan Hevlych and Natalia Dutova (2020). “Basic Income: Economy and Psychology”. Research Papers in Economics and Finance 4(3). pp.27~35. https://www.ref.ue.poznan.pl/index.php/REF/article/view/110

Hintze, Arend, Jochen Staudacher, Katja Gelhar, Alexander Pothmann, Juliana Rasch and Daniel Wildegger (2020). “Inclusive Groups Can Avoid the Tragedy of the Commons”. Scientific Reports 10(1). pp.1~8. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79731-y

Johnson, Matthew, Elliott Johnson, Daniel Nettle and Kate Pickett (2020). “Designing Trials of Universal Basic Income for Health Impact: Identifying Interdisciplinary Questions to Address”. Journal of Public Health. [In Press] [Deposited On: 15 December 2020 13:21] [Last Modified: 3 January 2021 07:45] https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/149901/1/Designing_Trials_of_UBI_for_Health_Impact_Named.pdf

Johnson, Matthew and Elliott Johnson (2020). “Examining the Ethical Underpinnings of Universal Basic Income as a Public Health Policy: Prophylaxis, Social Engineering and ‘Good’ Lives”. Journal of Medical Ethics. [In Press] [Deposited On: 7 December 2020] [Last Modified: 4 January 2021] https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/149732

Kim, Sang Kyun and Bong Joo Lee (2020). “An Exploratory Study of Basic Income Fidelity Index”. Asian Social Work and Policy Review. [First Published: 5 December 2020] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/aswp.12216

Le Grand, Julian (2020). “A Springboard for New Citizens: Universal Basic Capital and a Citizen’s Day”. LSE Public Policy Review 1(2). p.5. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31389/lseppr.8. https://ppr.lse.ac.uk/articles/10.31389/lseppr.8

Leff, Benjamin M. (2019). “EITC for All: A Universal Basic Income Compromise Proposal”. Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice 26(1). pp.85~145. https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1484&context=crsj

Marzetti, Maximiliano (2021). “Algorithmic Law – A Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Latin America”. In: The Politics of Technology in Latin America (Volume 1): Data Protection, Homeland Security and the Labor Market, Abingdon and New York: Routledge. [바로 보기]

Moreno, María Antonia (2020). “Policy Responses to COVID-19 in Latin American Countries: A Universal Basic Income?”. DE CARACAS 128(Supl 2). pp.172~187. [바로 보기]

Newaz, Rafayet, Juliana Orlando Rohr, Hugh Segal and Rebecca Wissink (2020). “Reforming Income Security to Encourage Work and Learn from the COVID-19 Pandemic”. In: The Future of Work Post-Pandemic, Queen’s University, pp.70~86. [August 2020] [바로 보기]

Piachaud, David (2020). “Social Security: Past, Present and Future”. LSE Public Policy Review 1(2). p.2. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31389/lseppr.7. https://ppr.lse.ac.uk/articles/10.31389/lseppr.7

Reid, Donald G. (2020). “Poverty: The Great Unequalizer”. In: A New World-System: From Chaos to Sustainability, Routledge, pp.56~72. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/poverty-donald-reid/10.4324/9781003104261-5

Ryan, Michael (2020). “Is Socialism Adaptive?: The Future of Homo Sapiens”. In: The Genetics of Political Behavior, Routledge, pp.164~177. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/socialism-adaptive-michael-ryan/10.4324/9781003099710-12

Stein, Michael D. and Sandro Galea (2020). “The Poor People’s Campaign”. In: Pained: Uncomfortable Conversations about the Public’s Health, Oxford University Press, pp.103~106. [Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: April 2020] [바로 보기]

Torry, Malcolm (2020). “The Role of Research in the Basic Income Debate in the UK”. LSE Public Policy Review 1(2). p.4. DOI: http://doi.org/10.31389/lseppr.11. https://ppr.lse.ac.uk/articles/10.31389/lseppr.11

White, Roger (2020). “Reducing Multidimensional Poverty: A Series of Counterfactual Analyses”. In: Multidimensional Poverty in America, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.275~316. [First Online: 13 December 2020] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-45916-1_11

* ABC순 (아마존 등, 검색어: “basic income”)

Adasiak, Deanne (2020). Plutarch Quote Economic Justice Universal Basic Income: Notebook Planner – 6×9 inch Daily Planner Journal, To Do List Notebook, Daily Organizer, 114 Pages (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 28 November 2020]

Burkhalter, Kavin (2020). Universal Basic Income Citizen S Dividend Economic Justice: Notebook Planner – 6×9 inch Daily Planner Journal, To Do List Notebook, Daily Organizer, 114 Pages (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 27 November 2020]

Delsen, Lei (Ed.) (2020). Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe (1st ed. 2019 Edition) (Hardcover). Contributions to Economics. Springer. [Publication Date: 9 December 2020]

Delsen, Lei (Ed.) (2020). Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe (1st ed. 2019 Edition) (Kindle Edition). Contributions to Economics. Springer. [Publication Date: 27 November 2020]

Delsen, Lei (Ed.) (2020). Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe (1st ed. 2019 Edition) (Paperback). Contributions to Economics. Springer. [Publication Date: 18 December 2020]

Eissing-Patenova, Andjelika (2020). Justice with Universal Basic Income: Why a Universal Basic Income Provides the Basis for an Ideal Society (Paperback). Grin Verlag. [Publication Date: 13 October 2020]

Gada, Kartik (2020). ATOM, Second Edition: It Is Time to Upgrade the Economy (ISSN) (Kindle Edition). Business Expert Press. [Publication Date: 29 December 2020]

Harpham, Perce (2020). Why Are the Poor Poor?: A New Negative Income Tax, Other Ideas & a Chapter on Human Rights by Gail E. Duncan (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 17 December 2020]

Martin, Jean-Philippe (2020). Time Rich: How Having a Little More Time Could Change the World (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 10 April 2020]

Martin, Jean-Philippe (2020). Time Rich: How Having a Little More Time Could Change the World (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 28 December 2020]

Mays, Jennifer (2020). Basic Income, Disability Pensions and the Australian Political Economy: Envisioning Egalitarian Transformation, Funding and Sustainability (1st ed. 2020 Edition) (Hardcover). Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee. Palgrave Macmillan.

Mays, Jennifer (2020). Basic Income, Disability Pensions and the Australian Political Economy: Envisioning Egalitarian Transformation, Funding and Sustainability (1st ed. 2020 Edition) (Kindle Edition). Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee. Palgrave Macmillan. [Publication Date: 3 December 2019]

Mays, Jennifer (2020). Basic Income, Disability Pensions and the Australian Political Economy: Envisioning Egalitarian Transformation, Funding and Sustainability (1st ed. 2020 Edition) (Paperback). Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee. Palgrave Macmillan.

Nito. Satoshi (Author) and JiJiJyunPo Publisher (Editor) (2020). The Basic Income: Fundamental Aspect of Its Theory and Case Study of Japanese and Lilliput Model (Kindle Edition). JiJiJyunPo Publisher. [Publication Date: 12 December 2020]

Örtenblad, Anders (Ed.) (2021). Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics (1st ed. 2021 Edition) (Hardcover). Palgrave Debates in Business and Management. Palgrave Macmillan. [Publication Date: 10 December 2020]

Örtenblad, Anders (Ed.) (2021). Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics (1st ed. 2021 Edition) (Kindle Edition). Palgrave Debates in Business and Management. Palgrave Macmillan. [Publication Date: 9 December 2020]

Redway, Alan (2020). A Big Idea: Eliminating Poverty in Canada (Hardcover). FriesenPress. [Publication Date: 1 December 2020]

Redway, Alan (2020). A Big Idea: Eliminating Poverty in Canada (Paperback). FriesenPress. [Publication Date: 1 December 2020]

Sachs, Harrison (2020). Why Most Companies Do Not Care About Their Employees, Why Most Companies Have Unrealistic Employee Expectations, Why Most Employees Struggle Everyday, And Why Being An Employee Destroys Your Health (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 18 December 2020]

Sarfraz, Sheeza and J. J. Dupuis (Eds.) (2020). The Quarantine Review, Issue 6 (Kindle Edition). Dundurn. [Publication Date: 8 December 2020]

Shortcut Edition (2020). SUMMARY – Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World by Annie Lowrey (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 15 December 2020]

Shortcut Edition (2020). SUMMARY – Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World by Annie Lowrey (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 16 December 2020]

William, H. C. (2021). Dsig Designation One (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 2 January 2021]

* ABC순

Araujo Duarte, Felizberto (2020). Universal Basic Income: A Model for Timor-Leste. Master’s Thesis, KDI School. [Thesis submitted to KDI School of Public Policy and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Public Policy] [Approval as of August 2020]

Kozák, Michal (2020). Work Orientations in Contemporary Advanced Societies: Three Comparative Studies Based on Large-Scale Cross-National Survey Data. Thesis for the degree of philosophiae Doctor (PhD), University of Bergen. [Date of Defense: 11 December 2020] [바로 보기]

Nemeth, Gabor Jozsef (2020). How Did the Austrian Public Attitude Change towards Universal Basic Income, due to the COVID-19 Virus, since the 2016 European Social Survey?. Master’s Thesis. Universität Wien. [A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) at Universität Wien] [Wien, 2020] http://othes.univie.ac.at/63350/1/68431.pdf

* ABC순

Araujo Duarte, Felizberto (2020). Universal Basic Income: A Model for Timor-Leste. Master’s Thesis, KDI School. [Thesis submitted to KDI School of Public Policy and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Public Policy] [Approval as of August 2020]

Kozák, Michal (2020). Work Orientations in Contemporary Advanced Societies: Three Comparative Studies Based on Large-Scale Cross-National Survey Data. Thesis for the degree of philosophiae Doctor (PhD), University of Bergen. [Date of Defense: 11 December 2020] [바로 보기]

Nemeth, Gabor Jozsef (2020). How Did the Austrian Public Attitude Change towards Universal Basic Income, due to the COVID-19 Virus, since the 2016 European Social Survey?. Master’s Thesis. Universität Wien. [A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) at Universität Wien] [Wien, 2020] http://othes.univie.ac.at/63350/1/68431.pdf

* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)

Lewis, Michael A. (2020). “A Deeper Dive into “Work” (Really “Labor Supply”) and UBI”. USBIG Blog. https://usbig.net/a-deeper-dive-into-work-really-labor-supply-and-ubi

Linares, Julio (2020). “Central American States Can and Should Move towards the Implementation of a Universal Basic Income”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 13 December 2020] [바로 보기]

Prochazka, Tyler (2020). “‘Liberate Our Imagination’: Taiwan Holds First Basic Income March”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 15 December 2020] https://basicincome.org/news/2020/12/liberate-our-imagination-taiwan-holds-first-basic-income-march

Torry, Malcolm (2020). “Pope Francis Advocates Basic Income in New Book”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 9 December 2020] https://basicincome.org/news/2020/12/pope-francis-advocates-basic-income-in-new-book

Widerquist, Karl (2020). “NAMIBIA: Wilfred Diergaardt Dies”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 26 December 2020] https://basicincome.org/news/2020/12/namibia-wilfred-diergaardt-dies