기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록
문헌 발행기간: 2023년 6월 5일 ~ 7월 5일
검색 및 정리: 이건민 이사
참고 1. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.
참고 2. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.
1. 국내문헌
* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)
서울사회경제연구소 엮음(2022). 『[eBook] 한국경제 빅 이슈 2』. 생각의힘. (종이책 2022년 10월 25일 출간) [출시일: 2023년 6월 23일]
이선배(2022). 『[eBook] 그건 내 건데 – 기본소득, 모두가 차별 없이 찾아야 할 권리』. 김휘승 그림. 내일을여는책. (종이책 2022년 2월 14일 출간) [출시일: 2023년 7월 10일]
* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)
김태근(2023). “미국 기본소득(Universal Basic Income) 정책의 현황과 쟁점”. 『국제사회보장리뷰』 25. pp.97~108. [보기]
박대한(2023). “’챗GPT의 아버지’, 가상자산 통한 기본소득 구현 추진”. 《연합뉴스》. [6월 10일] [보기]
오준호(2023). “기후위기와 불평등이 우리를 위협하는 시대에 ‘정의로운 경제’ 추구하려면…‘도넛 경제’로 본 기본소득과 기본사회”. 《중기이코노미》. [6월 8일] [보기]
월간환경 편집부(2023). “재생E 기반 기본소득… 인구·소득 상승효과 톡톡 공유자원 활용 기본소득 주목”. 『월간환경』 272. pp.66~69. [보기]
이재영(2023). ““기본소득, 인간에 기반한 새로운 사회 계약 돼야””. 《금강일보》. [6월 25일] [보기]
정은하(2023). “[정책제안] 복지 사각지대 없는 사회안전망 구축 탐색을 위한 서울 안심소득 시범사업”. 『월간 공공정책』 210. pp.61~64. [보기]
재복스튜디오(2023). “용혜인의원 강연현장 : 기본소득지구네트워크대회”. YouTube. [6월 24일] [보기]
2. 해외문헌
* ABC순
Aida, Jun, Miho Ishimaru and Shiho Kino (2023). “Reconsidering economic interventions to reduce oral health inequalities”. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. [First Published: 6 June 2023] [보기]
Branco, Manuel Couret (2023). “Four principles for a human rights-based approach to development without growth”. International Journal of Green Economics 17(1). pp.20~35. [보기]
Chrisp, Joe and Jurgen De Wispelaere (2023). “A basic income for every crisis? Building blocks of a political economy framework”. Journal of Sociology. [First Published Online: 21 June 2023] [보기]
Davis, Mickey R. and Melissa J. Willms (2023). “Charitable Planning Ideas Your Clients Can Use”. Estate Planning & Community Property Law Journal 15. pp.219~304.
Irons, Meaghan and Andrea M. L. Perrella (2023). “Against the Frame: Local Media Coverage of Ontario’s Basic Income Pilot”. Basic Income Studies. [Published Online by De Gruyter: 12 June 2023] [보기]
Kame Babilla, Thierry U. (2023). “Tax Policy Reform and Universal Basic Income Effectiveness in a Currency Union: Implications for Long-term Growth, Inequality, and Welfare”. Journal of Government and Economics 10, 100075. [Available Online: 9 June 2023] [보기]
Kornbrot, Diana and Nazreen Badrudin (2023). “According to Needs and Abilities, Universal Basic Income Requires Universal Basic Infrastructure”. Radical Statistics 134. pp.9~27. [보기]
Laing, Sophie B. (2023). “Stimulus Checks, Universal Basic Income, and Debtor Protections”. Loyola Consumer Law Review 35(1). pp.31~81. [보기]
Little, Peter Carskadon and Grace Abena Akese (2024 Forthcoming). “Toxic Landmarking and Technoprecarious Heritage in Ghana”. In: Toxic Heritage: Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice, New York: Routledge. [보기]
Noyoo, Ndangwa (2023). “South African social policy after Covid-19: New policy imperatives?”. Global Social Policy, 14680181231180519. [First Published Online: 13 June 2023] [보기]
Smith-Carrier, Tracy (2023). “Advancing income security policy using universal design: the case of the Ontario Disability Support Programme in Ontario, Canada”. In: Research Handbook on Disability Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.789~804. [보기]
Takashima, Kosei and Isao Yagi (2023). “Multilayered Emergent Phenomena Caused by Basic Income and Labor Supply on the Wider Economic System”. Applied Sciences 13(13), 7588. [보기]
* ABC순 (아마존 등, 검색어: “basic income”)
Lawhon, Mary and Tyler McCreary (2023). Enough!: A Modest Political Ecology for an Uncertain Future. Agenda Publishing.
Lymer, Andy, Margaret May and Adrian Sinfield (Eds.) (2023). Taxation and Social Policy. Bristol University Press.
Pittman, Michael (2023). Universal Basic Income [Print Replica] (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 24 June 2023]
Torry, Malcolm (2023). A Research Agenda for Basic Income (Hardcover). Edward Elgar Publishing. [Publication Date: 10 June 2023]
* ABC순
Vats, Nishant (2023). Safety Nets, Credit, and Investment: Evidence from a Guaranteed Income Program. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Chicago. [June 2023] [보기]
Wing, Ryan (2023). Intelligently Integrating Artificial Intelligent Agents Into Economic and Social Systems. Master’s Thesis. Systems Science, State University of New York at Binghamton. [11 May 2023] [보기]
* ABC순
Beck, D., R. Peters, F. Poitier, B. Pearson and G. Bridge (2023). Could a Universal Basic Income reduce food insecurity and assist with the transition to a sustainable food system?. A Food Research Collaboration Policy Insight. Food Research Collaboration, University of Leeds. [25 May 2023] [보기]
Hayakawa, Kenji and Adrian K. Yee (2023). “Medical Epistemology Meets Economics: How (Not) To GRADE Universal Basic Income Research”. philsci-archive.pitt.edu. [Forthcoming in Journal of Economic Methodology] [보기]
Merk, Tara, Sofia Cossar and Jamilya Kamalova (2023). “Ethnographic Research of Proof of Humanity DAO (Investigación Etnográfica de Proof of Humanity DAO)”. Available at SSRN 4438414. [Date Written: 24 January 2023] [Posted: 3 June 2023] [보기]
Shepard, Cole G. (2023). “Problematizing Progress: Building a Postcapitalist Present”. Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects 627. [보기]
Vanderborght, Yannick (2023). “Basic income: an idea whose time has come… in Europe and Japan alike?”. 272nd Comparative Law and Politics Seminar. University of Tokyo, Japan. [1 June 2023] [보기]
Vera-Cossio, Diego A., Bridget Hoffmann, Camilo Pecha, Jorge Gallego, Marco Stampini, David Vargas, María Paula Medina and Esteban Alvarez (2023). “Re-thinking Social Protection: From Poverty Alleviation to Building Resilience in Middle-Income Households”. IDB-WP-1412. Inter-American Development Bank. [June 2023] [보기]
Yuliawati, Dona, Rio Kurniawan, Bayu Nugroho, Suhendro Yusuf Irianto and Sri Kamila (2023). “Vehicle image segmentation using mobile-based K-mean clustering to determine tax costs in supporting regional basic income”. AIP Conference Proceedings 2614, 040015. AIP Publishing. [16 June 2023] [보기]
* ABC순
Jang, Jeeeun (2023). “Review of Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now (Guy Standing, 2020)”. Basic Income Studies. [Published Online by De Gruyter: 29 June 2023] [보기]
* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)
Davala, Sarath (2023). “BIEN is searching for a new website manager”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 29 June 2023] [보기]
Doussard, Marc (2023). “Cash Assistance, Not Child Labor, Can Fix the Labor Shortage”. The Progressive. [Publication Date: 22 May 2023] [보기]
Enwemeka, Zeninjor (2023). “Cambridge will start giving low-income families $500 cash monthly”. WBUR. [Publication Date: 2 May 2023] [보기]
Holder, Sarah (2023). “NYC Guaranteed Income Program Goes From Pilot to Permanent”. Bloomberg. [Publication Date: 17 May 2023] [보기]
Klein, Naomi (2023). “AI machines aren’t ‘hallucinating’. But their makers are”. The Guardian. [Publication Date: 8 May 2023] [보기]
Knight, Peter (2023a). “A BIG LOCAL BASIC INCOME: PROPOSAL FOR A LOCALLY-LED BASIC INCOME PILOT IN ENGLAND”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 27 June 2023] [보기]
Knight, Peter (2023b). “Webinar on the Mumbuca, Maricá Basic Income Pilot’s Digital Currency – 30 June 18:00 BST”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 26 June 2023] [보기]
Knight, Peter (2023c). “Summary of Conference on Welsh Basic Income Pilot”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 22 June 2023] [보기]
Knight, Peter (2023d). “Basic Income North 2023 Conference”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 15 June 2023] [보기]
Knight, Peter (2023e). “Geoff Crocker’s Critique of “Power and Progress””. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 8 June 2023] [보기]
Lowrey, Annie (2023). “Before AI Takes Over, Make Plans to Give Everyone Money”. The Atlantic. [Publication Date: 17 May 2023] [보기]
Rayford, Rayna Reid (2023). “Guaranteed Income Programs Show Why Policymakers Should Just Give Money To Black Women”. Essence. [Updated: 11 May 2023] [보기]
Santens, Scott (2023). “Negative Income Tax is Not Cheaper Than Universal Basic Income, Nor is Guaranteed Income ‘More Progressive’ by Excluding the Rich”. UBI Guide. [Publication Date: 25 May 2023] [보기]
Siddiqui, Sumbul (2023). “Five Hundred Reasons for $500”. Ms. Magazine. [Publication Date: 31 May 2023] [보기]
Solano, Daniela Muñoz (2023). “Universal basic income could alleviate the crisis as artificial intelligence leads to job losses”. Pressenza. [Publication Date: 16 May 2023] [보기]
Syme, Pete (2023). “DeepMind founder says governments need to compensate ‘serious number of losers’ who will be left jobless due to AI”. Business Insider. [Publication Date: 10 May 2023] [보기]
Torracinta, Simon (2023). “Escape from the Market”. Boston Review. [Publication Date: 19 May 2023] [보기]
Tugade, F. Amanda (2023). “110 Iowans now have an extra $500 per month in their hands. Here’s who they are:”. Des Moines Register. [Publication Date: 16 May 2023] [보기]
Widerquist, Karl (2023). “Exploitation and UBI (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 7)”. The Research Website of Karl Widerquist. [Publication Date: 25 May 2023] [보기]
Yamamori, Toru (2023). “BIEN working group on Clarification of the Definition of Basic Income: July 17 Online Open Forum”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 30 June 2023] [보기]