기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록

문헌 발행기간: 2023년 3월 6일 ~ 4월 12일

검색 및 정리: 이건민 이사

참고 1. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.

참고 2. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.

1. 국내문헌

* 가나다순 (www.kci.go.kr 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

구자용(2023). ““땅의 유익은 모두에게 있는 것, 왕은 경작지에 대해서[만] 섬김을 받을 뿐!”(전 5:8[한, 9]): 전도서를 통해서 보는 기본소득에 대한 고찰”. 『구약논단』 29(1). pp.366~391. [보기]

김미경(2023). “여성정책의 패러다임 전환과 지역성평등정책의 과제”. 『가족과 커뮤니티』 7. pp.5~30. [비정규논문] [보기]

김성연(2023). “재산권의 관점에서 본 개인정보와 빅데이터의 관계”. 『IT와 법연구』 26. pp.153~182. [보기]

임지현, 문소영(2023). “기초지방자치단체의 농민수당 조례 도입 영향요인 연구”. 『지방행정연구』 37(1). pp.97~122. [보기]

* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)

이신근(2023). 『기쁨의 편지: 오늘, 기쁨의 날 희년을 살아가는 당신에게』. 바람이불어오는곳. [출시일: 4월 12일]

페인, 토머스(2023). 『토지 분배의 정의』. 정균승 역. 프롬북스. [출시일: 3월 27일]

페인, 토머스(2023). 『[eBook] 토지 분배의 정의』. 정균승 역. 프롬북스. [출시일: 3월 27일] (종이책 2023년 3월 27일 출간)

* 가나다순

우장명(2022). 『충북의 농가소득 안정화를 위한 연구』. 기본과제 2022-25. 청주: 충북연구원. [보기]

* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

오준호(2023a). “챗GPT, AI의 시대…‘일의 미래’는 어떻게 될까: AI가 만든 수익분배 고민을…더 나은 ‘일의 미래’ 위해 기본소득 필수”. 《중기이코노미》. [3월 7일] [보기]

오준호(2023b). “‘햇빛연금’…기본소득사회로 가는 다리가 될까: 공동자원으로 기후위기 해법 찾고, 기본소득 실현도 앞당길 수 있어”. 《중기이코노미》. [3월 28일] [보기]

윤형중(2023). “[윤형중의 정책과 딜레마](17)난방비 대란, 시계를 되돌린다면”. 《주간경향》 1514. [2월 13일] [보기]

2. 해외문헌

* ABC순

Barton, Ruth, Steven Hadley and Denis Murphy (2023). “Covid-19, cultural policy and the Irish arts sector: continuum or conjuncture?”. Irish Studies Review. [Published Online: 5 April 2023]

Bashur, Diana (Forthcoming). “Basic Income for development and peacebuilding in post-conflict settings”. In: The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income, Second Edition, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [Preprint] [보기]

Burmeister, Jon K. (2023). “Education for a Post-Work Society: AI, the Liberal Arts and the Future of Leisure”. In: Augmented Education in the Global Era: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Learning and Work, New York and London: Routledge, pp.172~187. [보기]

Das, Aurolipsa and Narayan Sethi (2023). “Cash transfers and human capital outcomes of children in LMICs: A systematic review using PRISMA”. Heliyon 9(4), e14758. [Available Online: 23 March 2023]

Harris, Neal (2023). “Critical Theory and Universal Basic Income”. Critical Sociology, 08969205231151562. [First Published Online: 10 March 2023]

Heap, Shaun P. Hargreaves (2023). “Mill’s Constitution of Liberty: an alternative behavioural policy framework”. Behavioural Public Policy. [Published Online by Cambridge University Press: 7 March 2023] [보기]

Huss, Reinhard (2023). “Can universal basic income reduce poverty and improve children’s health?”. Archives of Disease in Childhood. [Online First]

Jock, Janet, Lindsay Kobayashi, Rishika Chakraborty, Xiwei Chen, Coady Wing, Lisa Berkman, David Canning, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson Kabudula, Stephen Tollman and Molly Rosenberg (2023). “Effects of Pension Eligibility Expansion on Men’s Cognitive Function: Findings from Rural South Africa”. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. [Published Online: 28 March 2023]

Lawhon, Mary and Tyler McCreary (2023). “Making UBI radical: On the potential for a universal basic income to underwrite transformative and anti-kyriarchal change”. Economy and Society. [Published Online: 6 March 2023]

Littler, Catherine (2023). “Feeding Utopia: Canadian Universal Basic Income on Food Insecurity”. Journal of Critical Dietetics 6(3). pp.144~157.

Nowak, Jörg (2023). “The Pandemic Politics of the Bolsonaro Government in Brazil: COVID-19 Denial, the Chloroquine Economy and High Death Rates”. In: The Political Economy of Global Responses to COVID-19, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp.105~123. [First Online: 26 March 2023]

Onifade, Eyitayo, Kwanele Shishane, Fese Elonge and Lakeithia Glover (2023). “Guaranteed income: experiences of African American mothers in the Magnolia Mother’s Trust Project”. Journal of Community Practice 31(1). pp.105~120. [Published Online: 15 March 2023]

Riutort, Sebastià, Bru Laín and Albert Julià (2023). “Basic Income at Municipal Level: Insights from the Barcelona B-MINCOME Pilot”. Basic Income Studies. [Published Online by De Gruyter: 10 March 2023]

Stevenson, Lo (2023). “Imagining The Decriminalization of Sex Work in Canada”. Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform 28. pp.53~70.

* ABC순 (아마존 등, 검색어: “basic income”)

Jimenez, Juan (2023). A Guide To Introducing Ubi And Implementing Robotics And AI And Much More (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 28 March 2023]

Pate, Robert (2023). SUMMARY Review & Analysis of Andrew Yang’s Book THE WAR ON NORMAL PEOPLE: The Truth about America’s Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future. (Kindle Edition). Independently published. [Publication Date: 11 March 2023]

Pate, Robert (2023). SUMMARY Review & Analysis of Andrew Yang’s Book THE WAR ON NORMAL PEOPLE: The Truth about America’s Disappearing Jobs and Why Universal Basic Income Is Our Future. (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 12 March 2023]

Reber, Gary (2023). Own: Turning Every Citizen Into A Productive Capital Owner (Paperback). Economic Justice Press. [Publication Date: 24 March 2023]

Schatt, Stan (2023). Still Room for Humans: Career Planning in an AI World (Kindle Edition). Business Expert Press. [Publication Date: 12 April 2023]

Schatt, Stan (2023). Still Room for Humans: Career Planning in an AI World (Paperback). Business Expert Press. [Publication Date: 3 April 2023]

Townsend, Johnny and Ruth Miller (2023). Constructing Equity (Paperback). Johnny Townsend. [Publication Date: 13 March 2023]

* ABC순

Germain, Antoine (2023). “Basic income versus fairness: redistribution with inactive agents”. antoine-germain.github.io. [11 April 2023]

Mpako, Asafika and Mikhail Moosa (2023). “South Africans Endorse Taxation, Say It Is Fair to Tax the Rich at Higher Rates to Support the Poor”. Afrobarometer Dispatch No 617. [17 March 2023] [보기]

Puah, Li An (2023). “Free money: why universal basic income (UBI) is a basic right of a society”. Final Year Project (FYP). Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.

Ramos, Xavier, Timo Verlaat and Federico Todeschini (2023). “The Employment Effects of Generous and Unconditional Cash Support”. ECINEQ Working Paper Series No. 638. [March 2023]

* ABC순

Esparza, Louis Edgar (2023). “Social Democratic Capitalism”. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 52(2). [First Published Online: 8 March 2023]

* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)

Baik, Michelle (2023). “Madison’s guaranteed income pilot has initial findings, now halfway through”. WMTV. [Publication Date: 14 March 2023] [보기]

Camhi, Tiffany (2023). “Bill sparks debate on a guaranteed income program for Oregon”. Oregon Public Broadcasting [Publication Date: 11 March 2023]

Christian, Elina and Taylor Sweeney (2023). “Basic Income in Australia”. Effective Altruism Forum. [7 March 2023]

Coleman, Neil (2023). “INTERVIEW ON UBIG-FORTHCOMING IN UMSEBENZI AND THE AFRICAN COMMUNIST MARCH 2023”. Policy Commons. [13 March 2023] [보기]

Conde, Ximena (2023). “Philadelphia to pilot a guaranteed income program to reduce rates of infant mortality”. The Philadelphia Inquirer. [Publication Date: 20 March 2023] [보기]

Corin, Cheyenne (2023). “Prince George’s Co. council introduces guaranteed income program legislation”. WTOP. [Publication Date: 18 March 2023] [보기]

De Wispelaere, Jurgen (2023). “Catalan Basic Income Pilot Scientific Committee Open Letter”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 7 March 2023]

Dyer-Witheford, Bue Rübner Hansen and Emanuele Leonardi (n.d.). “Degrowth Communism: Part II”. projectpppr.org.

Easwaran, Elill (2023). “Universal basic income ruled out for now, says Rafizi”. Free Malaysia Today. [Publication Date: 22 March 2023] [보기]

Eberhard, Kristin and Matthew Brandon Lee (2023). “Canada’s federalist carbon tax”. Niskanen Center. [Publication Date: 7 March 2023]

Elbas, Ahmed (2023). “UBI Provides a Safety Net During Bank Failures”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 30 March 2023]

Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (2023a). “Götz Werner and his legacy in Freiburg, on the first anniversary of his death.”. Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies. [Publication Date: 8 February 2023] [보기]

Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (2023b). “Philippe van Parijs: A world in crisis: boost or damper for basic income?”. YouTube. [1 March 2023]

Habegger, Becca (2023). “Want an extra $500 per month? Sacramentans can apply for a guaranteed income program”. ABC10. [Publication Date: 23 March 2023] [보기]

Howard, Michael (2023). “Webinar with Guy Standing April 13 – THE BLUE COMMONS: COMBATING RENTIER CAPITALISM IN THE SEA”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 1 April 2023] [보기]

Ingrassia, Jake (2023). “Palm Springs launches Universal Basic Income pilot program with monthly payments of $800”. KESQ. [Publication Date: 21 March 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023a). “An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 7 April 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023b). “Deadline for BIEN 2023 Congress Call for Papers extended til April 30”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 30 March 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023c). “Discussion on Sri Lankan Economic Crisis and UBI”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 27 March 2023]

Knight, Peter (2023d). “Short Video on June US Basic Income Guarantee Conference”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 23 March 2023]

Knight, Peter (2023e). “New article by BIEN Chair Sarath Davala in support of Catalan Pilot Project”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 21 March 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023f). “Geoff Crocker “The Macroeconomics of Basic Income and Sovereign Money””. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 11 March 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023g). “Guy Standing article in support of Catalonia UBI Pilot”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 10 March 2023]

Knight, Peter (2023h). “Panel on Basic Income at 13TH BRAGA MEETINGS ON ETHICS AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 10 March 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023i). “FRIBIS Summer School 2023 – Microsimulation and Social Welfare Maximization”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 6 March 2023] [보기]

Knight, Peter (2023j). “Video: Philippe van Parijs: A world in crisis: boost or damper for basic income?”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 6 March 2023] [보기]

Lam, Chau (2023). “City Council speaker seeks to expand guaranteed income for New Yorkers in need”. Gothamist. [Publication Date: 9 March 2023] [보기]

LastWeekTonight (2023). “TANF: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)”. YouTube. [13 March 2023]

Rahman, Nushrat (2023). “Could $1,200 a month in direct cash help Detroiters? This group thinks so.”. Detroit Free Press. [Publication Date: 27 March 2023] [보기]

Santens, Scott (2023a). “The Fable of the Two-Headed Dragon-Tyrant and the UBI Missile”. UBI Guide. [Publication Date: 5 April 2023]

Santens, Scott (2023b). “Did Spain’s B-MINCOME Experiment Prove That Unconditional Basic Income Doesn’t Work?”. UBI Guide. [Publication Date: 28 March 2023] [보기]

Schulz, Jessica and Toru Yamamori (2023). “International Women’s Day and Universal Basic Income”. Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies. [Publication Date: 7 March 2023]

Sharma, Niharika (2023). “An Indian state is rolling out universal basic income for 10 million women”. Quartz. [Publication Date: 23 March 2023]

Soon-Shiong, Nika (2023). “The People’s Pledge: Building Guaranteed Income as Communities’ Vision for Freedom in California”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 15 March 2023] [보기]

Torry, Malcolm (2023). “Mark Wadsworth, former BIEN Treasurer, has passed away”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 28 March 2023]

UBI Works (2023). “Consensus Statement on a Basic Income Guarantee”. UBI Works. [Publication Date: 23 February 2023]

Whittaker, John (2023). “Senator Proposes $247M For Low-Income Mothers”. The Post-Journal. [Publication Date: 10 March 2023] [보기]