기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록

문헌 발행기간: 2023년 1월 9일 ~ 2월 6일

검색 및 정리: 이건민 이사

참고 1. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.

참고 2. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.

1. 국내문헌

* 가나다순 (www.kci.go.kr 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

박경철(2022). “공유부(common wealth)와 그의 착한 자식들: 농촌기본소득, 에너지 주민배당, 마을연금”. 『농촌사회』 32(2). pp.221~236. [비정규 논문] [자세히 보기]

윤수정(2022). “제4차 산업혁명시대 사회・경제구조의 변화와 소득 불평등 완화 방안”. 『헌법학연구』 28(4). pp.117~143. [자세히 보기]

임미원(2022). “복지국가 원리의 이념적 기초에 대한 고찰”. 『헌법재판연구』 9(2). pp.3~28. [자세히 보기]

* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)

김공회(2023). 『[eBook] 기본소득, 공상 혹은 환상: 기본소득을 넘어 국가를 다시 생각해보기』. 오월의봄. [출시일: 1월 16일] (종이책 2022년 7월 2일 출간)

* 가나다순

유영성, 김태영, 이홍재, 서정희, 조광자, 김건호, 김다니, 김재신, 최기훈(2022). 『경기도 청년기본소득 정책효과 분석(IV)』. 정책연구 2022-75. 수원: 경기연구원. [11월] [보기]

* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

오준호(2023a). “‘0.003 대 99.997’ 암울한 미래 원하지 않기에: 기본소득 필요…출생 친화적 성장, 행복 친화적 성장으로 전환”. 《중기이코노미》. [1월 10일] [보기]

오준호(2023b). “기본소득은 공상·환상 아니다…“명쾌한 대안”: 뜨거운 의제가 된 이유는…기능부전에 빠진 ‘복지체제’ 살리기 위해”. 《중기이코노미》. [1월 26일] [보기]

2. 해외문헌

* ABC순

Cooper, Mick (2023). “Making it happen: concrete strategies for a psychology-informed progressivism”. In: Psychology at the Heart of Social Change, Policy Press, pp.180~244. https://bristoluniversitypressdigital.com/display/book/9781447361053/ch007.xml

Darling, Orlaith, Liam Harrison and Dearbhaile Houston (2023). “Introduction: women writing work”. Irish Studies Review. [Published Online: 11 January 2023] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09670882.2023.2163742

Forget, Evelyn L. (2022). “A Reanalysis of “The Town with No Poverty”: A Reply“. Canadian Public Policy 48(4). pp.549~556. https://www.utpjournals.press/doi/full/10.3138/cpp.2022-017

Hirsch, Donald (2023). “The big tax hikes that make UBI ‘affordable’ could be used to cut poverty in more targeted ways: a reply to ‘Universal Basic Income is affordable and feasible: evidence from UK economic microsimulation modelling’ by Howard Robert Reed et al”. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. [First Published Online: 20 January 2023] [보기]

Kangas, Olli and Minna Ylikännö (2023). “Basic Income and the Status of Women in an Established Gender-Equal Welfare State: Results from the Finnish Basic Income Experiment”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20(3), 1733. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/20/3/1733

La, Jung Joo (2023). “Macroeconomic effects of basic income funded by land holding tax”. Journal of Policy Modeling. [In Press, Journal Pre-proof] [Available Online: 3 February 2023] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0161893823000078?via%3Dihub

Mack, Joanna and Marco Pomati (2023). “[Editorial] Universal Basic Income: the debate”. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. [Online Publication Date: 9 January 2023] [보기]

Rosalina, Nadia Indah, Guntur Eko Saputro and Luhut Simbolon (2023). “Universal Basic Income in the Defense Economy during the Covid-19 Pandemic”. AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia 2(1). pp.329~335. http://www.rayyanjurnal.com/index.php/aurelia/article/view/318

Sheehan, Callum and Julia Martin-Ortega (2023). “Is conservation basic income a good idea? A scoping study of the views of conservation professionals on cash giving programmes”. Biological Conservation 279, 109914. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320723000149

Smith, Matthew (2023). “Epilogue: Social Psychiatry and Universal Basic Income”. In: The First Resort: The History of Social Psychiatry in the United States, Columbia University Press, pp.271~280. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.7312/smit20392-009/html

Steinbaum, Marshall (2023). “Universal basic income”. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp.431~432. [Published: 26 January 2023] https://www.elgaronline.com/display/book/9781788973939/b-9781788973939.universal.basic.income.xml

Stevenson, George (2023). “Overthrowing the Capitalist Social Order”. In: Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism: Groups, Perspectives and New Debates, Routledge. [보기]

Supachalasai, Chyatat (2023). “Thai Youth Liberation as a Politico-Economic Force: A Critique of Hierarchical Capitalism and the Authoritarian State”. Journal of Contemporary Asia. [Published Online: 20 January 2023] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00472336.2023.2165134

Van Hootegem, Arno, Koen Abts and Bart Meuleman (2023). “Weakly institutionalized, heavily contested: Does support for contemporary welfare reforms rely on norms of distributive justice?”. Journal of Social Policy. [Published Online by Cambridge University Press: 13 January 2023] [보기]

Young, Stephen (2023). “Universal Basic Income”. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Philanthropy and Humanitarianism, Routledge, pp.39~49. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003162711-5/universal-basic-income-stephen-young

* ABC순 (아마존 등, 검색어: “basic income”)

Alican, Canberk (2023). The Inequality Epidemic: Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Income Disparities in the United States (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 19 January 2023]

Altech, J. S. (2023a). The Future of Work: Navigating the Gig Economy and Remote Work (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 30 January 2023]

Altech, J. S. (2023b). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 28 January 2023]

Jones, Stacey and Robert Rycroft (2023). Income Inequality in America: A Reference Handbook (Hardcover). Contemporary World Issues. ABC-CLIO. [Publication Date: 18 January 2023]

Jones, Stacey and Robert Rycroft (2023). Income Inequality in America: A Reference Handbook (Kindle Edition). Contemporary World Issues. ABC-CLIO. [Publication Date: 18 January 2023]

Koncagül, Tolga Güner (2023). The Future of Work: Understanding the Impact of AI on Job Security and Unemployment (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 24 January 2023]

Soteme, Teme (2023). Birthright Basic Income (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 2 February 2023]

Soteme, Teme (2023). Birthright Basic Income (Paperback). Soteme, LLC. [Publication Date: 3 February 2023]

Trojan, Fuzzy (2023). Living Free in the Robot Age (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 23 January 2023]

* ABC순

de Mahieu, Antoine (2023). Essays on behavioural response to tax-benefit reforms. Doctoral Dissertation. Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de la communication, UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Bruxelles. https://dial.uclouvain.be/pr/boreal/object/boreal%3A270611/datastream/PDF_01/view

Narbikova, Karina (2021). Universal Basic Income as an Alternative to Existing Benefit System: Results for India from a Microsimulation Approach. Master’s Thesis. Palacký University Olomouc, University of Clermont Auvergne, and University of Pavia. https://theses.cz/id/tktcuh/Master_thesis_-_Narbikova.pdf

Shinyama, Loini Ndeshipanda (2020). Reducing dependency when implementing the basic income grant in Namibia: views of Social Workers and Administrative Officers. Master’s Thesis. Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand. https://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/items/eb7f8b08-63a2-4151-8a54-5cd7c7783475/full

* ABC순

Bogle, Mary, James Ladi Williams, Camille Braswell and Lauren Fung (2022). “Guaranteed Income as a Mechanism for Promoting Housing Stability”. Urban Institute. [December 2022] [보기]

Förster, Peter et al. (2022a). “Saxonian longitudinal study-wave 31, 2019”. t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es. https://t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es/jspui/handle/123456789/67543

Förster, Peter et al. (2022b). “Saxonian longitudinal study-wave 32, 2021”. t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es. https://t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es/jspui/handle/123456789/68916

Goerres, Achim and Staffan Kumlin (2022). “Attitudes and Reported Experiences of the German Welfare State: A Panel Study 2015–2016–2017”. t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es. https://t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es/jspui/handle/123456789/52823

Grisolia, Filippo, Sara Dewachter and Nathalie Holvoet (2023). “Investigating the sustainability of cash transfer effects: the Busibi case”. Analysis and Policy Brief No. 50. Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp. [January 2023] https://repository.uantwerpen.be/docman/irua/816f89/apb.pdf

La, Jung Joo (2023). “Macroeconomic effects of basic income funded by land holding tax”. MPRA Paper No. 116151. [27 January 2023] https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/116151

Maila, Matume, Peter Jacobs and Asanda Ntunta (2022). “Tracking UBIG benefits: differences in developmental outcomes”. HSRC Review 20(2). pp.20~21. https://repository.hsrc.ac.za/handle/20.500.11910/19676

Ntunta, Asanda, Peter Jacobs and Palesa Sekhejane (2022). “Role of civil society in realising a universal basic income guarantee”. HSRC Review 20(2). pp.22~23. https://repository.hsrc.ac.za/handle/20.500.11910/19675

Ruddick, William O. (2021). “Community Inclusion Currencies (CICs)”. White Paper. git.grassecon.net. [Last Updated: 11 February 2021] [보기]

Susskind, Daniel (2023). “Work and meaning in the age of AI”. Center on Regulation and markets at Brookings. [January 2023] https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Work-and-meaning-in-the-age-of-AI_Final.pdf

Teagle, Andrea (2022). “What we can learn from the COVID-19 grant”. HSRC Review 20(2). pp.24~25. https://repository.hsrc.ac.za/handle/20.500.11910/19674

Westle, Bettina (2022). “Political Knowledge in Germany-Preliminary Survey (2008)”. t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es. https://t2-4.by-covid.bsc.es/jspui/handle/123456789/53914

* ABC순

Liu, Larry (2023). “Review of: Hein Marais (2022) In the Balance: The Case for a Universal Basic Income”. Global Labour Journal 14(1). pp.81~82.

Nagase, Yoko (2022). “[Book Review] Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist”. Utopian Studies 33(3). pp.528~530. [보기]

* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)

Crocker, Geoff (2023). “Re-engineering our fragile economy and democracy”. IPR Blog. [Publication Date: 25 January 2023] https://blogs.bath.ac.uk/iprblog/2023/01/25/re-engineering-our-fragile-economy-and-democracy

Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (2022a). “Miriam Laker-Oketta: Basic Income and its role in addressing climate change and biodiversity loss”. YouTube. [16 December 2022] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbOtOKLPEa0

Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (2022b). “Sarath Davala (BIEN): Towards a Basic Income Society: what humankind needs to do before we get there”. YouTube. [21 December 2022] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1uEyTimiZU

Knight, Peter (2023a). “Insecurity is the problem, universal basic income part of the solution”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 2 February 2023] https://basicincome.org/news/2023/02/insecurity-is-the-problem-universal-basic-income-part-of-the-solution

Knight, Peter (2023b). “Russian Monograph on Universal Basic Income”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 29 January 2023] https://basicincome.org/news/2023/01/russian-monograph-on-universal-basic-income

Knight, Peter (2023c). “New blog post argues for UBI to reform capitalism”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 27 January 2023] https://basicincome.org/news/2023/01/new-blog-post-argues-for-ubi-to-reform-capitalism

Knight, Peter (2023d). “California Unveils $25 Million In Guaranteed Income Grants”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 13 January 2023] https://basicincome.org/news/2023/01/california-unveils-25-million-in-guaranteed-income-grants

Santens;, Scott (2023). “The Spaceballs Argument for Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)”. UBI Guide. [Publication Date: 11 January 2023] https://www.scottsantens.com/the-spaceballs-argument-for-unconditional-universal-basic-income-ubi/?ref=ubi-guide-newsletter

Smith, Jeffery J. (2023). “A New Play about Thomas Paine”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 2 February 2023] https://basicincome.org/news/2023/01/a-new-play-about-thomas-paine

Stein, Chris (2022). “‘Huge flip of circumstances’: end of US child tax credit pushing kids into poverty”. The Guardian. [Publication Date: 8 December 2022] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/08/child-tax-credit-ending-pushing-kids-into-poverty