기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록

문헌 발행기간: 2019년 12월 9일 ~ 2020년 1월 8일

검색 및 정리: 이건민 운영위원

참고 1. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.

참고 2. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.

1. 국내문헌

* 가나다순 (www.kci.go.kr 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

김광수(2019). “인공지능 발전에 대응한 국민의 안전과 생존권 확보 방안”. 『법과 기업 연구』 9(3). pp.187~217. [바로 보기]

김도훈(2019). “핀란드의 기본소득 실험-계획과 중간평가”. 『사회보장법학』 8(2). pp.97~138. [바로 보기]

은민수(2019). “지역자치단체의 소득지원 방안 연구: 무조건적 기본소득, 부의 소득세(NIT)방식의 기초소득, 근로참여수당”. 『사회과학연구』 26(4). pp.365~390. [바로 보기]

전강수(2019). “기본소득 사상의 세 흐름에 대한 비교 검토와 그 함의: 재원 정당성을 중심으로”. 『시민과 세계』 35. pp.177~215. [바로 보기]

홍석한(2019a). “헌법상 근로의 권리와 기본소득의 관계에 대한 고찰”. 『경희법학』 54(4). pp.225~257. [바로 보기]

홍석한(2019b). “헌법상 근로의 의무와 기본소득의 관계에 대한 고찰”. 『성균관법학』 31(4). pp.39~75. [바로 보기]

* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)

김석준(2019). 『(eBook) 기본소득과 디지털 유토피아』. 커뮤니케이션북스. [출시일: 12월 27일] (종이책 2019년 10월 29일 출간)

이원재(2019). 『소득의 미래: 앞으로 10년, 일과 소득의 질서는 어떻게 바뀔 것인가』. 어크로스. [출시일: 11월 22일]

콜린스, 척(2019). 『미국의 불평등은 돌이킬 수 없는가』. 박형준 역. 내인생의책. [출시일: 12월 12일]

* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 검색어: “기본소득”)

안효상(2020). “[서평] 기본소득은 무엇을 위한 것인가”. 『녹색평론』 170. [발행일: 1월 2일]

윤형중(2020). “「국민기본소득제 제안에 대한 비판적 평가」에 대한 반박”. 『월간 시대』 75. pp.88~109. [발행일: 1월 1일]

2. 해외문헌

* ABC순

Ehnts, Dirk H. and Maurice Höfgen (2019). “The Job Guarantee: Full Employment, Price Stability and Social Progress”. Society Register 3(2). pp.49~65. https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/sr/article/view/20605

Heikkinen, Tiina (2020). “A Study of Degrowth Paths Based on the von Neumann Equilibrium Model”. Journal of Cleaner Production 251. [Available Online: 6 December 2019] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652619344324

Iglesias, David and Walter E. Block (2019). “Universal Basic Income: A Critique”. Romanian Economic Business Review 14(3). pp.7~18. http://www.rebe.rau.ro/RePEc/rau/journl/FA19/REBE-FA19-A1.pdf

Misra, S. N. and Sanjaya Kumar Ghadai (2018). “Economic Growth and Human Development: India After Liberalisation”. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 9(7). pp.1~7. [바로 보기]

Ramanathan, Usha (2019). “Rethiking Poverty: A Socil-Legal Enquiry”. Socio-Legal Review 15. 84. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/soclerev15&div=11&id=&page

Perkiö, Johanna (2019). “Legitimising a Radical Policy Idea: Framing Basic Income as a Boost to Labour Market Activity”. Policy & Politics. [Appeared or Available Online: 18 December 2019] https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp/pap/pre-prints/content-policypold1900033r2

Schwartz, Gregory (2019). “Internalizing Externalities: Through a Libertarian Universal Basic Income”. Dialogue: Journal of Phi Sigma Tau 61(2-3). pp.142~145. https://philpapers.org/rec/SCHIET-4

Smith-Carrier, Tracy and Sarah Benbow (2019). “Access to a Basic Income: Exploring a Matricentric Feminist Approach to Poverty Alleviation for Mothers in Ontario”. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement 10(1/2). https://jarm.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/jarm/article/view/40553

Stevens, Yves and Jakob Werbrouck (2019). “Forum Text – Basic Income and Social Security: A Structural Problem?”. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Sociale Zekerheid 1. pp.185~196. https://socialsecurity.belgium.be/sites/default/files/content/docs/fr/publications/rbss/2019/rbss-2019-1-forum-text-basic-income-and-social-security-a-structural-problem-fr.pdf

Thompson, Paul (2019). “Capitalism, Technology and Work: Interrogating the Tipping Point Thesis”. The Political Quarterly. [First Published: 4 December 2019] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1467-923X.12787

Tsvirko, Svetlana (2020). “Universal Basic Income as an Innovation in Social Policy and Public Finance: SWOT Analysis”. In: Digital Science 2019 (pp.55~64), DSIC: The 2018 International Conference on Digital Science, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1114. Cham: Springer. [First Online: 20 December 2019] https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-37737-3

Vlandas, Tim (2019). “The Political Economy of Individual Level Support for the Basic Income in Europe”. Journal of European Social Policy. [Accepted In: December 2019] [Pre-Proof Version] https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:0ac9564b-6983-4a43-9051-076ff2f48d6b

Yilmaz, Binhan Elif (2019). “The Universal Basic Income: An Alternative to Public Social Welfare Expenditures”. In: Globalization, Poverty, Inequality, & Sustainability (pp.113~125), IJOPEC Publication Limited. [November 2019] [바로 보기]

* ABC순 (아마존 등, 검색어: “basic income”)

Campaign Notebooks (2019). Andrew Yang 2020 Notebook Journal (Paperback). Independently published. [Publication Date: 18 December 2019]

Gentilini, Ugo, Margaret Grosh, Jamele Rigolini and Ruslan Yemtsov (Eds.) (2019). Exploring Universal Basic Income: A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices (Paperback). The World Bank. [Publication Date: 15 December 2019]

Gentilini, Ugo, Margaret Grosh, Jamele Rigolini and Ruslan Yemtsov (Eds.) (2019). Exploring Universal Basic Income: A Guide to Navigating Concepts, Evidence, and Practices (Stand alone books) [Print Replica] (Kindle). Sold by Amazon.com Services LLC. [Publication Date: 8 December 2019]

Miller, Annie (2020). A Basic Income Handbook (Paperback) (Reprint Edition). Luath Press Ltd.. [Publication Date: 1 January 2020]

Luduvice, André Victor Doherty (2019). “The Macroeconomic Effects of Universal Basic Income Programs”. Job Market Paper. University of Pennsylvania. economics.sas.upenn.edu. [This Version: 15 December 2019]

Montanari, Gianmarco (2020). Tech Impact. The Lights and Shadows of Technological Development (Kindle). goWare e Edizioni Angelo Guerini e Associati. [Publication Date: 2 January 2020]

* ABC순

Jalili Villarroel, Paola (2019). Office Aesthetics. Labor in the Contemporary Workplace. Master’s Thesis. Aalto University. https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/41440

* ABC순

Jellema, Jon, Nora Lustig and Valentina Martinez Pabon (2019). “Are Income Floors Viable in Sub-Saharan Africa?”. CEQ Working Paper No. 86. CEQ Institute, Tulane University, Department of Economics. [December 2019] http://repec.tulane.edu/RePEc/ceq/ceq86.pdf

Oxford Analytica (2019). “Basic Income in Europe Will Face Increasing Scrutiny”. Emerald Expert Briefings. oxan-db [Posted: 19 August 2019] https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OXAN-DB245881/full/html

Videos and a podcast

* 목차순

Videos of many of the sessions at the 2019 BIEN Congress in Hyderabad in india have now been published online: https://citizensincome.org/news/videos-from-the-2019-bien-congress

Michael Reiss has issued three educational videos that argue for a Citizen’s Basic Income paid for by charging rent on the value of land: https://citizensincome.org/news/new-videos-on-land-rent-as-a-means-of-paying-for-a-citizens-basic-income

At an event at the London School of Economics on the 26th November Louise Haagh, Professor of Politics at the University of York, spoke about Citizen’s Basic Income, and Anna Coote, of the New Economics Foundation, about Universal Basic Services: https://citizensincome.org/news/lse-event-about-universal-basic-income-and-universal-basic-services

* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)

Ahn, Hyosang (2019). “Korea: Gyeonggi’s Youth Basic Income Report Released”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 4 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/korea-gyeonggis-youth-basic-income-report-released

Coelho, André (2019a). “United States: New Survey Shows Overwhelming Support for Basic Income among Democrat Students”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 30 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/united-states-new-survey-shows-overwhelming-support-for-basic-income-among-democrat-students

Coelho, André (2019b). “19th BIEN Congress: Videos from Plenary Sessions”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 25 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/19th-bien-congress-videos-from-plenary-sessions

Coelho, André (2019c). “United States: Senators Mitt Romney and Michael Bennet Plan an Unconditional Child Benefit”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 21 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/united-states-senators-mitt-romney-and-michael-bennet-plan-an-unconditional-child-benefit

Coelho, André (2019d). “New Book: Exploring Universal Basic Income”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 15 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/new-book-exploring-universal-basic-income

Coelho, André (2019e). “Podcast: Anna Coote and Louise Haagh on The Ralph Miliband Programme”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 13 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/podcast-anna-coote-and-louise-haagh-on-the-ralph-miliband-programme

Coelho, André (2019f). “United Kingdom: Lib Dem Candidates Back Basic Income Pilots”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 10 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/united-kingdom-lib-dem-candidates-back-basic-income-pilots

Coelho, André (2019g). “VIDEO: Universal Basic Income – The Power to Say ‘No’, for Everyone”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 7 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/video-universal-basic-income-the-power-to-say-no-for-everyone

Coelho, André (2019h). “United Kingdom: The Center for Welfare Reform Publishes Statement of Support”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 5 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/united-kingdom-the-center-for-welfare-reform-publishes-statement-of-support

Coelho, André (2019i). “PODCAST: The Basic Income Podcast features Reverend Liz Theoharis, on Building a Movement Centered on Poor People”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 28 November 2019] [바로 보기]

Coelho, André (2019j). “Ireland 2029: Should Ireland Introduce a Universal Basic Income?”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 20 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/ireland-2029-should-ireland-introduce-a-universal-basic-income

Coelho, André (2019k). “Australia, Brisbane: BIEN Conference 2020”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 15 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/australia-brisbane-bien-conference-2020

Coelho, André (2019l). “United Kingdom: Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell Affirms Basic Income Will Be Piloted in the UK, If Jeremy Corby Gets Elected in December”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 11 November 2019] [바로 보기]

Coelho, André (2019m). “Canada: People Claim for Basic Income on the Streets of Toronto”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 10 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/canada-people-claim-for-basic-income-on-the-streets-of-toronto

Coelho, André (2019n). “Germany: Establishment of the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies, at the University of Freiburg”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 4 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/germany-establishment-of-the-freiburg-institute-for-basic-income-studies-at-the-university-of-freiburg

Coelho, André (2019o). “Kela Conference on Social Security 2019 – Equality and Wellbeing through Sustainable Social Security System”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 1 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/kela-conference-on-social-security-2019-equality-and-wellbeing-through-sustainable-social-security-system

Fabbri, Daniele (2019). “Could Basic Income Play a Role in the Fight against Unfree Labour?”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 24 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/could-basic-income-play-a-role-in-the-fight-against-unfree-labour

Widerquist, Karl (2019a). “Thoughts on the British Elections and the Rise of Nationalism”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 16 December 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/12/thoughts-on-the-british-elections-and-the-rise-of-nationalism

Widerquist, Karl (2019b). ““A Critical Analysis of Basic Income Experiments:” An Early Version of This Book Is Available for Free Download”. Basic Income News. [Publication Date: 2 November 2019] https://basicincome.org/news/2019/11/a-critical-analysis-of-basic-income-experiments-an-early-version-of-this-book-is-available-for-free-download

※ Basic Income Studies Volume 14, Issue 2. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/bis.2019.14.issue-2/issue-files/bis.2019.14.issue-2.xml

※ Maine Policy Perspectives – Universal Basic Income. https://mcspolicycenter.umaine.edu/mpr/maine-policy-perspectives-ubi-intro