기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록

문헌 발행기간: 2019년 5월 8일 ~ 6월 5일

검색 및 정리: 이건민 운영위원

참고 1. 국내외에서 기본소득을 주제로 한 문헌들이 갈수록 늘고 있다. 이에 기본소득한국네트워크는 최신문헌들의 정보 공유를 통해 기본소득 연구자들에게 보탬이 되고자 <기본소득 관련 최신문헌 목록>을 주기적으로 발행하기로 했다.

참고 2. 아래 목록은 국내 문헌과 해외 문헌으로 대분류되어 있고, 논문, 도서, 저널 및 잡지 기고문, 서평 등을 포함하고 있다. 기본소득을 옹호하는 논지의 문헌뿐만 아니라, 기본소득을 비판하는 문헌도 포함되어 있다.

참고 3. 발간시점과 공개(검색)시점 간 차이가 존재하며, 공개(검색)시점 기준으로 기본소득 관련 문헌을 정리했고, 가나다순, ABC순으로 정렬했다.

1. 국내문헌

* 가나다순 (www.kci.go.kr, 검색어: “기본소득”)

김남욱(2019). “드론에 관한 조세법적 검토”. 『토지공법연구』 86. pp.215~235. [바로 보기]

김성기(2019). “소득보장 정책에서의 기본소득 보장이 빈곤해소와 생활자립에 미치는 영향”. 『디지털융복합연구』 17(5). pp.77~88. [바로 보기]

서정희(2019). “새로운 분배실험: 전북에서의 기본소득 실험 ‘쉼표 프로젝트’ 효과”. 『비판사회정책』 63. pp.101~146. [바로 보기]

윤석진(2019). “제4차 산업혁명시대 기본소득제도의 법적 쟁점”. 『사회복지법제연구』 10(1). pp.3~39. [바로 보기]

이승주(2019). “청년기본소득 도입의 효과 분석: 소득재분배 및 빈곤완화를 중심으로”. 『정부학연구』 25(1). pp.89~131. [바로 보기]

정이윤, 최현수, 반가운(2019). “청년 기본소득 실험 설계: 모형 및 방법론적 쟁점”. 『정부학연구』 25(1). pp.43~88. [바로 보기]

최영준, 윤성열(2019). “자유안정성을 위한 기본소득 실험: 새로운 사회경제체제를 위한 도전”. 『정부학연구』 25(1). pp.5~41. [바로 보기]

* 가나다순 (교보문고, 알라딘 등 검색)

가이 스탠딩 저(2019). 『불로소득 자본주의: 부패한 자본은 어떻게 민주주의를 파괴하는가』. 김병순 역. 여문책. [출시일: 4월 5일]

김종철(2019). 『금융과 회사의 본질: 재산권과 계약권의 이종교배』. 개마고원. [출시일: 3월 4일]

* 가나다순 (구글스칼라, 구글 등, 키워드: “기본소득”)

기본소득한국네트워크(2019). “[추모사] 권문석이라는 주춧돌 위에 서 있다: 6번째 권문석 추모제를 맞이하며”. 기본소득한국네트워크 웹사이트. [발행일: 5월 31일] [바로 보기]

박정훈(2019). “플랫폼 노동을 위한 새로운 규칙이 필요하다”. LAB2050. [발행일: 5월 22일] [바로 보기]

안효상(2019). “[기본소득 아이디어의 역사] 에리히 프롬과 보장소득”. 『월간 시대』 69. pp.93~104. [발행일: 6월 1일]

최광은(2019). “자산 분산 민주주의와 기본소득”. 『월간 시대』 69. pp.18~47. [발행일: 6월 1일]

LAB2050(2019). “플랫폼 노동과 기본소득, 좋은 일자리란 무엇인가?”. LAB2050. [게시일: 5월 15일] [바로 보기]

2. 해외문헌

* ABC순

Anderson, Emma and Stephen Gibson (2019). “Social Citizenship and Social Psychology”. Social & Personality Psychology Compass. [Accepted/In Press: 9 January 2019] https://research.brighton.ac.uk/en/publications/social-citizenship-and-social-psychology

Bhattacharya, Rajesh (2019). “Labour Beyond the Labour Market: Interrogating Marginality”. In: Workers and Margins, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.45~62. [First Online: 28 May 2019] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-7876-8_3

Bhattacharyya, Som Sekhar and Srikant Nair (2019). “Explicating the Future of Work: Perspectives from India”. Journal of Management Development 38(3). pp.175~194. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JMD-01-2019-0032

Blomberg-Kroll, Helena Kaarina, Signe Jauhiainen, Markus Kanerva, Olli Kangas, Merja Komu, Knut Christian Kroll, Maarit Lassander, Mikko Niemelä, Miska Simanainen and Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson (2019). “Wellbeing Effects of the Basic Income Experiment”. In: The Basic Income Experiment 2017-2018 in Finland Preliminary Results, REPORTS AND MEMORANDUMS OF THE MINISTRY OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND HEALTH; No. 2019:9, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, pp.16~28. https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/publications/wellbeing-effects-of-the-basic-income-experiment

Class, Dangerous (2018). “Basic Income”. Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 40. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/cllpj40&div=15&id=&page=&t=1559544168

Hamilton, Leah and James P. Mulvale (2019). “’Human Again': The (Unrealized) Promise of Basic Income in Ontario”. Journal of Poverty. [Published Online: 20 May 2019] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10875549.2019.1616242

Koh, Keunseok, Rebecca Reno and Ayaz Hyder (2019). “Examining Disparities in Food Accessibility among Households in Columbus, Ohio: An Agent-based Model”. Food Security 11(2). pp.317~331. [April 2019] [First Online: 8 May 2019] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12571-019-00900-7

La Frenais, Rob (2018). “Neighbours”. Art Monthly 418. pp.41~42. https://search.proquest.com/openview/dec02d7020bb143051162bc163bd49c9/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=106011

Lamarche, Lucie (2019). “From a Social Protection Regime to an Income Security Agenda: Canada at the Crossroads”. In: Social Security Outside the Realm of the Employment Contract, Edward Elgar, Ch.12. [바로 보기]

Noguera, José A. (2018). “The Second-Best Road Ahead for Basic Income”. Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 40. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/cllpj40&div=18&id=&page=&t=1559542308

Ray, Ranjan and Kompal Sinha (2019). “Food Consumption, Calorie Intake and Undernourishment in India: The Recent Evidence on Role of Welfare Schemes”. In: Disease, Human Health, and Regional Growth and Development in Asia, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 38, Springer, pp.21~46. [First Online: 9 May 2019] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-6268-2_2

Sculos, Bryant William (2019). “Changing Lives and Minds: Progress, Strategy, and Universal Basic Income”. New Political Science 41(2). pp.234~247. [Published Online: 13 May 2019] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07393148.2019.1595286

Standing, Guy (2018). “Basic Income as Common Dividends: A Rejoinder”. Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 40. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/cllpj40&div=19&id=&page=&t=1559544218

Van Parijs, Philippe and Yannick Vanderborght (2018). “Ethically Justifiable, Economically Sustainable, Politically Achievable: A Response to van der Veen & Groot, Rogers, and Noguera”. Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 40. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/cllpj40&div=20&id=&page=&t=1559543896

Vanderborght, Yannick (2018). “The Progressive Package: Getting Unions Behind Basic Income”. Green European Journal. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union. [17 October 2018] https://dial.uclouvain.be/pr/boreal/object/boreal:215828

* ABC순 (아마존, 키워드: “basic income”)

Barnhizer, David and Daniel Barnhizer (2019). The Artificial Intelligence Contagion: Can Democracy Withstand the Imminent Transformation of Work, Wealth and the Social Order?. Clarity Press.

Curiosity Publishers (2019a). Socialism Concepts Market Interest Trend: Full Report Package (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC. [Publication Date: 20 May 2019]

Curiosity Publishers (2019b). Socialism Concepts Market Interest Trend: Report 2 (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC. [Publication Date: 20 May 2019]

Dakinisun, Joy (2019). The Vision behind Unconditional BasicIncome (Kindle Edition). tredition. [Publication Date: 10 May 2019]

Jordan, Bill (2019). Authoritarianism and How to Counter It (Hardcover). Palgrave Pivot. [Publication Date: 9 May 2019]

Kartik H. (Author) and Vasant Madhav (Editor). Right to Money: Everyone Has the Right to Money (Kindle Edition). Sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC. [Publication Date: 8 May 2019]

Klein, Elise, Jennifer Mays and Tim Dunlop (Eds.) (2019). Implementing a Basic Income in Australia: Pathways Forward. Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lefebvre, Alain (2019). Basic Income: The Finnish Experiment 2017-2018. Librinova.

Lewis, Courtney (2019). Sovereign Entrepreneurs: Cherokee Small-Business Owners and the Making of Economic Sovereignty (Critical Indigeneities) (Paperback). The University of North Carolina Press. [Publication Date: 20 May 2019]

Lewis, Courtney (2019). Sovereign Entrepreneurs: Cherokee Small-Business Owners and the Making of Economic Sovereignty (Critical Indigeneities) (Hardcover). The University of North Carolina Press. [Publication Date: 20 May 2019]

Lewis, Courtney (2019). Sovereign Entrepreneurs: Cherokee Small-Business Owners and the Making of Economic Sovereignty (Critical Indigeneities) (Kindle Edition). The University of North Carolina Press. [Publication Date: 10 April 2019]

Standing, Guy (2019). Basic Income as Common Dividends: Piloting a Transformative Policy. A Report for the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. Progressive Economy Forum.

Swirski, Peter (2019). American Utopia: Literature, Society, and the Human Use of Human Beings. Routledge.

* ABC순

Blauvelt, William (2019). “Universal Basic Income and Its Effect on the Capital to Labor Ratio”. Economics Student Theses and Capstone Projects 132. Bachelor’s Thesis. Skidmore College. [30 April 2019] https://creativematter.skidmore.edu/econ_studt_schol/132

Verbraak, Ferdinand Martijn (2019). Universal Basic Income Reforms and Household Composition: A Behavioural Microsimulation Analysis. Master’s Thesis. University of Twente. [January 2019] https://essay.utwente.nl/77141

* ABC순

Briken, Kendra (2018). “We Shall Overcome? The Work Ethic Revisited”. pureportal.strath.ac.uk. [Published: 16 October 2018] https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/publications/we-shall-overcome-the-work-ethic-revisited

Cortinas, Joan (2018). “The Origins of the “Cause of the Poor”: Logics of Appropriation of a “New Social Problem” in Spain (1960-1990)”. hal.archives-ouvertes.fr. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02129675

Creighton, Alexandra (2018). Disrupting the Status Quo: Basic Income for People with Disabilities. YorkSpace Institutional Repository. [15 October 2018] https://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/36223

Freund, Florian and Marco Springmann (2019). “Impacts of Agricultural Subsidy Reform on Economic Welfare, Environment and Health”. Paper accepted for presentation in the GTAP 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis “Challenges to Global, Social, and Economic Growth” in Warsaw, Poland, June 19-21, 2019. https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/res_display.asp?RecordID=5805

Helmy, Imane, Hebatallah Ghoneim and Khalid Siddig (2019). “Implementing Cash Transfer Programmes in Egypt Differently: An Economic Impact Analysis”. Paper accepted for presentation in the GTAP 22nd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis “Challenges to Global, Social, and Economic Growth” in Warsaw, Poland, June 19-21, 2019. [April 2019] https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/res_display.asp?RecordID=5751

Kaneho, Ju (2019). “Is Social Security Reform Really Willing to Deal with Poverty?”. RISSHO University’s Institutional Repository (Rissho-IR). pp.223~241. [20 March 2019] http://repository.ris.ac.jp/dspace/handle/11266/6644

Roy, Pronoy and Zakir Husain (2019). “Education as a Way to Reducing Inequality: Evidence from India”. MPRA Paper No. 93907. [1 May 2019] https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/93907

van Basshuysen, Philippe (2019). “Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society”. Review of Political Economy. [Published Online: 17 May 2019] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09538259.2019.1596564?journalCode=crpe20

* ABC순

Gerard, Nathan (2019). “Undoing Work, Rethinking Community: A Critique of the Social Functioning of Work”. Contemporary Political Theory. [First Online: 21 May 2019] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41296-019-00327-x

Hunter-Pazzara, Brandon (2019). “Labor Unions and the Making of Class in a (Supposedly) Post‐Class World”. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review. [First Published: 17 May 2019] https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/plar.12286

van der Veen, Robert and Loek Groot (2018). “Unconditional Basic Income and the Rejuvenation of the Welfare State: A Review of Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy by Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght”. Comp. Lab. L. & Pol’y J. 40. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/cllpj40&div=16&id=&page=&t=1559543836


[News] Results of the Finnish Basic Income Experiment. [Published Online: 11 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/preliminary-results-of-the-finnish-basic-income-experiment

[News] A Consensus Emerges. [Published Online: 2 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/a-concensus-emerges

Main Articles

[Opinion] Family Carers Accessing Benefits and Support: Which Bespoke Provisions are Useful, and Which Could Be Universalised? [Published Online: 2 April 2019] (By Anna Heyman) [바로 보기]

[News] Basic Income: Towards an Intellectual History. [Published Online: 30 January 2019] (By Pedro Ramos Pinto) https://citizensincome.org/news/basic-income-towards-an-intellectual-history


[News] Positive Money’s ‘Helicopter Money’ Video. [Published Online: 9 March 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/positive-moneys-helicopter-money-video

[News] Recent Research on Universal Credit. [Published Online: 5 February 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/research-on-the-alleged-simplicity-of-universal-credit

[News] Universal Credit’s Effect on DWP Staff. [Published Online: 16 January 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/universal-credits-effect-on-dwp-staff

[News] A New Video about Citizen’s Basic Income. [Published Online: 28 January 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/a-new-video-about-citizens-basic-income

[News] New Research Project at the Institute for Policy Research. [Published Online: 16 January 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/new-research-project-at-the-institute-for-policy-research

[News] International Monetary Fund Article on Citizen’s Basic Income. [Published Online: 29 January 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/international-monetary-fund-article-on-citizens-basic-income

[News] Institute for Fiscal Studies Research on Disability Benefits. [Published Online: 3 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/institute_for_fiscal_studies_research_on_disability_benefits

[News] Paul Spicker’s Summary of His Recent Reports on Basic Income, and a Response. [Published Online: 3 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/paul-spickers-summary-of-his-recent-reports-on-basic-income-and-a-response

[News] BIEN Congress 2019 in India from the 22nd to the 25th August. [Published Online: 5 February 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/bien-congress-2019-in-india-from-the-22nd-to-the-25th-august

[News] Bare Life: An Event at the LSE. [Published Online: 24 January 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/bare-life-an-event-at-the-lse

Book Reviews

[Book Reviews] New Economics Foundation, Nothing Personal: Replacing the Personal Tax Allowance with a Weekly National Allowance. [Published Online: 14 March 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) [바로 보기]

[Book Reviews] A New Report from Compass. [Published Online: 18 March 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/a-new-report-from-compass

[Book Reviews] Disabled People Against Cuts, UBI: Solution or Illusion?. [Published Online: 19 February 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/disabled-people-against-cuts-ubi-solution-or-illusion

[Book Reviews] David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs. [Published Online: 2 April 2019] (By Daniel Mermelstein) https://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/david-graeber-bullshit-jobs

[Book Reviews] Colebatch and Hoppe (Eds), Handbook on Policy, Process and Governing. [Published Online: 15 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/colebatch-and-hoppe-eds-handbook-on-policy-process-and-governing

[Book Reviews] Marcello Natili, The Politics of Minimum Income. [Published Online: 15 March 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/marcello-natili-the-politics-of-minimum-income

[Book Reviews] A New Report on the Scottish Pilot Project Feasibility Study. [Published Online: 4 February 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/news/a-new-report-on-the-scottish-pilot-project-feasibility-study

[Book Reviews] Karl Widerquist, A Critical Analysis of Basic Income Experiments. [Published Online: 15 March 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) https://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/karl-widerquist-a-critical-analysis-of-basic-income-experiments

To read Guy Standing’s new report for the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, click here 

To read a report published by Public Services International for the New Economics Foundation, click here 

To read a Royal Society of Arts report on Scottish pilot projects, click here 

The New Economics Foundation has published an article by Andrew Pendleton, Imagining a new social contract. To read more of the article, click here 

Philip Alston, the UN Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, has issued his report on poverty in the UK. To read more of Philip Alston’s report, click here 

The Guardian reports on a mini-manifesto on the future of civil society by Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s Chief Economist. To read more of the interview with Andy Haldane, and our comment on it, click here 

To read about Louise Haagh’s new book about Citizen’s Basic Income, and to order it, click here 

Book Reviews

[Book Reviews] Cantillon, Goedemé and Hills, Decent Incomes for All. [Published Online: 24 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) http://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/cantillon-goedeme-and-hills-decent-incomes-for-all

[Book Reviews] Cogolati and Wouters, The Commons and New Global Governance. [Published Online: 15 April 2019] (By Citizen’s Basic Income Trust) http://citizensincome.org/book-reviews/cogolati-andwouters-the-commons-and-new-global-governance

* ABC순 (BIEN Newsflash, USBIG Newsflash, Citizen’s Basic Income Newsletter, 구글스칼라, 구글 등)

USBIG NewsFlash Volume 20, no. 130, May 2019. “Conference Message”: The 18th Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress is just two weeks away and we’re excited to meet you in New York City!

USBIG NewsFlash Volume 20, no. 130, May 2019. “UBI News Website Formed”: Scott Santens started a new website to track UBI news. https://basicincometoday.com